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A few handcrafted articles about my thoughts and experiments.

3 RAG frameworks you probably don't know
Dify AI, Phidata, Truefoundry Cognita
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Drizzle ORM in AWS Serverless
AWS Articlescdkdrizzle
How to integrate Drizzle into AWS Serverless Environment
This is a step by step tutorial on how to integrate Drizzle into AWS Serverless Environment. We start with a CDK project and add Drizzle to it.
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How to setup LLM locally with Ollama
Ollama is a framework designed to help you to setup large language models locally. It's super easy to use. Get up and running with Llama 2, Mistral, Gemma, and other large language models.
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What Assets Does Your Business Have?
Discover the power of business assets in boosting your business value. Learn about the seven categories of assets and how to identify and develop them in your business.
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cover image of the article thats shows react version 19
What's New in React Version 19 - A Short Overview
This article is about the latest changes in react version 19.
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How to setup Supabase locally | 2024
This article is about how you can setup Supabase locally
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AWS Articlessecuritypentest
Exploring CloudFoxable - A Playground for AWS Cloud Penetration Testing
A Playground for AWS Cloud Penetration Testing", a must-read for understanding cutting-edge tools in cloud security testing.
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AWS Articlesdevelopment
AWS PDK - Spin up AWS Projects in minutes
Discover how the AWS Project Development Kit (PDK) streamlines cloud project creation, offering essential building blocks and tools for common patterns and efficient project management.
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voiceflow bots creating through templates
I still share my netflix account with my family, here is how | bypass netflix & disney account sharing
This is how I bypass the netflix and disney account sharing limitation and share my accounts with my family.
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